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Good Goat Milk
Good Goat Yogurt
Good Goat Cheese
Or Just Buy A Good Goat
We Produce Fresh Goat Milk Daily From Our Farm in Penampang
We Guarantee Our Milk is Fresh Or We Will Replace It Free of Charge
Call Or SMS 012 XXX XXX

Only Available In Supermarkets
Good Goat Milk
Good Goat Yogurt
Good Goat Cheese
Or Just Buy A Good Goat
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"Fresh Goat Milk Daily"
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Good Goat Farm / Our Customers

Asthma affects 7% of all people, many without knowing it.

Customer 1)

She says she has two kids 18 months apart who drank mothers milk when young but switched to powder formula after that.

Sometime after 1 year old both kids started having frequent colds/flu, phlegm, lung congestion, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and persistent cough. It always became worse at night after drinking thier formula when sleeping. It was always worse if she didn't close the window but closing the window didn't get rid of the problem either. It became so serious she had to take the kids to the doctor a few times a week sometimes in the middle of the night. Her son, the youngest, was worse and lost weight.

Doctors suggested it could be an allergic reaction caused by dust mites, pollen, mold spores, animal fur, cold draft of air at night, or something they are eating. They also said it could be a mild asthmatic reaction brought on by bacterial or viral infection but nobody in her family has a history of asthma. The doctors prescribed asthma medication (liquid and nebulizer) but told her not to use too often or the kids might become dependent on it. The medication was just a temporary solution as the symptoms would return a few hours later.

One day she bought goat milk because of a friends suggestion and the kids seemed slightly better the first night so she kept on using goat milk. By the third night both of her children were 100% improved.

She says "After 3 weeks of goat milk my son gained back all of his normal weight and is now happy and healthy, thanks to goat milk. At first I did not believe goat's milk would help because after all it's "just milk", right? But I compared formula, fresh cow milk, green tea, or even just water and the goat milk was even better than water! Goat's milk seemed to actively reduce the allergic reaction, asthma, phlegm, and coughing. We hardly ever visit the doctor anymore and if we do it's not for allergies or asthma. It costs less to buy goat milk than going to the doctor a few times a week and the kids are healthy. We have totally given up formula and now use heated goat's milk mixed with a little Milo. My daughter (now 4 yrs old) loves it and usually ask for goat's milk straight from the "Good Goat" bottle, still cold and my son says "I want Hoat Milk".

Asthma is caused by the body's own immune system attacking itself (auto-immune disease), this allergic response is affected by what you eat and drink. Asthma and some other auto-immune diseases (more than 100) including Arthritis, Allergies, Gout, Dermatitis, Psorisis, Hepatitis, Diabetes, and some Neural System Disorders which can cause Migranes may also be improved or reduced by drinking goat's milk!
Customer 2)

She drinks goat's milk because she has dry skin. She said "This is the taste I have been looking for, some of the other goat's milk I tried was smelly and I had to hold my nose before I could drink it".
Customer 3)

She has migranes and goat's milk makes the headaches go away. She said "I am so glad I found you because I used to have to drive so far, pay RM 3 more per bottle, and the bottles of goat milk weren't even filled all the way!
Customer 4)

Her son has thalassemia and is a regular customer and buys a bottle goat's milk from Good Goat everyday.
Customer 5)

Has Hepatitis B.
Customer 6)

He adds sugar and boils his goat's milk to make it thicker, its his culture to have goat's milk this way.
Customer 7)

He normally buys 6-11 bottles at a time to drink with his friends. He has also referred us to his friends and says he can't get it as fresh as ours anywhere else!
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